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A retrospective on the Infinity project

Published September 26, 2016

Hey Everybody, long time no see, Ysaneya here ! I haven't posted in the past 6 years if I count well. Most of you probably don't remember me, but the few of you who do should remember the Infinity project and how it all started back in 2005. It started with a dream, one made of stars and full of procedurally-generated planets to visit. At the time, Elite was a long forgotten franchise and nobody was working on a procedural universe. I started to work in my spare time on a MMO project called Infinity.


2005 - 2010: procedural dreams

In the first years, I started to research procedural planets generation. I also developped an entire engine ( nowadays known as the I-Novae Engine ) to support all features I'd need for the Infinity project. Including:

  • A flexible scene-graph
  • A 3D renderer supporting all the latest-gen features and shaders ( shadow mapping, motion blur, HDR, dynamic lighting.. the usual list.. )
  • A physics engine ( I settled on ODE )
  • An audio engine ( OpenAL )
  • A network engine ( based on UDP )
  • All the procedural planetary & universe generation technology

    In 2007 I released a small free game, simply named the "Infinity Combat Prototype". The goal for that game was to integrate all the engine into a game to validate that all the components were working together, and that a game ( some newtonian multplayer combat in arenas in space ) could be produced. The idea was that it'd be the first step that would eventually lead to the whole MMO.


Unfortunately, it's pretty much at this point that I started to get "lost" into the ambition of the project. I had created the concept of "community contributions" where wannabe-artists could submit artwork, 3D models & textures to be used in the game, but it quickly took a dozen hours a week to review all this work and to validate/reject it, keeping in mind that 95% of it was at the indy level at best.

I was the only programmer on the team, and so progress started to slow down tremendously. We entered into a vicious circle where as months were passing, the cool brand new technology was getting deprecated / looking obsolete, and catching up took months for a single feature. That was the time were I replaced the old fashioned renderer by a deferred renderer, implemented dynamic lighting and shadow mapping and all sorts of visually cool stuff.. but meanwhile, gameplay progress was at a standpoint. I spent some time working on the client/server architecture and databases, but nothing too fancy, and definitely not to the point it could be used for a full fledged MMO.

By 2010 it became crystal clear that as the sole programmer of the project, even using procedural technology and an artists community to alleviate the content generation problem, I couldn't keep up. A few programmers offered their help but clearly weren't up to the task, or gave up very quickly after a few months. If you've been an indy relying on external help by volunteers to work on your project, that should ring a bell.

But in early 2010, I met Keith Newton, an ex-developer from Epic Games who worked on the Unreal Engine. He offered to set up an actual company, review our strategoy and approach the problem from a professional & business perspective. I was about to give up on the project at that time, so naturally, I listened.


2010 - 2012: Infancy of I-Novae Studios

We formed the company I-Novae Studios, LLC, in early 2010, and started to look for investors that could be interested in the technology. Or companies interested in doing partnerships or licensing.

Unfortunately it was bad timing and we didn't realize that immediately. If you recall, this was right after the economic crisis of 2008. All the people we talked to were very interested in the tech, but none were ready to risk their money in a small company with no revenue. We had a few serious opportunities during these year, but for various reasons nothing ever came out of it. Another problem was that this period was the boom of the mobile market, and most companies we talked to were more interested in doing mobile stuff than, sic, a PC game.


During these years we also revamped our technology from the grounds up to modernize it. We switched to physical-based rendering ( PBR ) at this time, implemented a powerful node-based material system, added an editor ( one thing I simply never worked on pre-2010, due to lack of resources ) and much more. Keith worked approximately 2 years and a half full time, out of his own savings, to mature the tech and look for business opportunities. Meanwhile, our other artists and I were still working part time.

On the game side, unfortunately things still weren't looking great. It was our strategy to focus back on the technology and put Infinity on hold. We came to the conclusion that we'd probably need millions to realistically have a shot at producing a MMO at a decent quality and in good conditions, and that it couldn't be our first project as a company. In 2012, Kickstarter started to become a popular thing. It was at this time that we started to play with the idea of doing a Kickstarter for a less ambitious project, but still including our key features: multiplayer components and procedural planetary generation. That was how Infinity: Battlescape was born.


2013 - 2015: Kickstarter, full steam ahead

It took us more than 2 years to prepare our Kickstarter. Yup. At this point Keith was back to working part time, but I left my job to dedicate myself to the Kickstarter, working full time out of my own savings on it.

To produce the Kickstarter we needed a lot of new content, never shown before, and at near-professionel quality. This included a ship with a fully textured PBR cockpit, mutliple smaller ships/props, asteroids, a gigantic space station, multiple planetary texture packs and a larger cargo ship. We decided pretty early to generate the Kickstarter video in engine, to demonstrate our proprietary technology. It'd show seamless take offs from a planet, passing through an asteroid field, flying to a massive space station that comes under attack, with lots of pew-pew, explosions and particle effects. IIRC we iterated over 80 times on this video during the year before the Kickstarter. It's still online, and you can watch it here:

Meanwhile, I was also working on a real-time "concept demo" of Infinity: Battlescape. Our original plan was to send the demo to the media for maximum exposure. It took around 8 months to develop this prototype. It was fully playable, multiplayer, including the content generated by our artists in the Kickstarter trailer. The player could fly seamlessly between a few planets/moons, in space, around asteroids or dock in a space station. Fights were also possible, but there never was more than a handful of players on the server, so we could never demonstrate one of the keypoints of the gameplay: massive space battles involving hundreds of players.


In October 2015, we launched our Kickstarter. It was a success and we gathered more than 6000 backers and $330,000, a little above the $300,000 we were asking for the game. It was one of the top 20 most successful video games Kickstarters of 2015. Our media campaign was a disapointment and we received very little exposure from the mass media. I understandably blame our "vaporware" history. The social media campaign however was a success, particularly thanks to a few popular streamers or twitters that brought exposure on us, and by Chris Roberts from Star Citizen who did a shout-out on his website to help us.

But as much as we're happy to -finally- have a budget to work with, it was only the beginning..


2016+: Infinity Battlescape

We started full development in February 2016 after a few months of underestimated post-KS delays ( sorting out legal stuff, proper contracts with salaries for our artists, and figuring out who was staying and who was leaving ).

Since then, we've focused on game design, producing placeholders for the game prototype and improving our technology. We're still working on adding proper multithreading to the engine, moving to modern Entity-Componeny-System ( ECS ), and figuring out what to do with Vulkan and/or Directx 12. Meanwhile we're also working on networking improvements and a more robust client/server architecture.

The game is scheduled for release in end-2017.

All the pictures in this article are coming from our current pre-alpha.



13 likes 17 comments



Great to see you back here!

September 26, 2016 10:42 PM
Woooooooooooo welcome back!
September 26, 2016 10:49 PM

Great read and welcome back Ysaneya. Your planetary rendering tech has always stuck in my mind!

September 26, 2016 11:30 PM

Welcome back, your rendering technology is looking amazing !

September 27, 2016 05:22 AM
I remember it all well and great to see it alive and well. That video is just breathtaking.
September 27, 2016 09:56 AM
By the way, don't mean to be critical but I was just browsing the site you link to at the end of your entry and it was really slow and unresponsive. Don't know if this is something you're aware of? I'm not on the best connection here but I don't normally see this amount of lag.
September 27, 2016 10:05 AM

By the way, don't mean to be critical but I was just browsing the site you link to at the end of your entry and it was really slow and unresponsive. Don't know if this is something you're aware of? I'm not on the best connection here but I don't normally see this amount of lag.

I'm not aware of any particular problem. It's fast and responsive here.

@everybody Thanks for the welcome back :)

September 27, 2016 12:25 PM

Welcome back! Your journal is one of the all time greats on gamedev.net. Hope to see more entries if you have the time.

September 28, 2016 12:21 AM

By the way, don't mean to be critical but I was just browsing the site you link to at the end of your entry and it was really slow and unresponsive. Don't know if this is something you're aware of? I'm not on the best connection here but I don't normally see this amount of lag.

I'm not aware of any particular problem. It's fast and responsive here.

@everybody Thanks for the welcome back :)

Ah, probably just the rubbish internet connection I was on at the time then, sorry. Just thought would mention it.

Can't wait to fly a ship from space down to a planet then back out again. I started trying to write my own planet renderer recently and gave up when I realised how tough it was :) So I think I got a tiny taster of what you have achieved here.
September 28, 2016 07:10 AM

Welcome back! Your journal is one of the all time greats on gamedev.net. Hope to see more entries if you have the time.

Thanks. Unfortunately doing a quick glance at the past entries, all the image links are dead and I have no easy way ( nor time ) to fix them :(

I'll be posting every week our quick progress reports and, less frequently, more advanced posts about various topics.

September 28, 2016 11:56 AM

Please tell me you're not going to be the only engineer on this. That just isn't working out for you, as brilliant as you are. ;)

September 29, 2016 12:31 AM

I'm not, we're 2 programmers and 3 artists and we might hire a 3rd programmer next year if budget allows.

September 29, 2016 09:18 AM
Welcome back!
October 03, 2016 12:57 AM

I'm not, we're 2 programmers and 3 artists and we might hire a 3rd programmer next year if budget allows.

Using a team is best. It allows the vision to reach players sooner and everyone wins that way.

October 15, 2016 09:10 PM

Yay, so happy to see you back. Your journal is the greatest one in gamedev.net in all time, that's for sure.

Thanks. Unfortunately doing a quick glance at the past entries, all the image links are dead and I have no easy way ( nor time ) to fix them

That's something that has saddened me deeply over the years visiting gamedev.net. I really wish you find time at some point to update those links, even if in a slowly basis. I am sure that a lot of people would be interested in donating their time to help in that task, since it is in a way keeping the memoir of game development alive.

October 17, 2016 01:58 AM

Welcome back!

October 17, 2016 09:56 PM

moving to modern Entity-Componeny-System ( ECS )

that is the mistake duke nukem forever made. don't mutate the technology again and again. And you're in first place to already know that. ECS was hype, it brings very little. Just like deferred was hype, we're back to forward+ nowadays. take care.

April 06, 2018 08:26 AM
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