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Latest SkeletalAnimation Activity

I fixed it. When I write the global bind pose matrix to the file, I got mixed up the column and row of the fbx matrix. That was the problem. Here's the video of my program which facilitates my game https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9bjj29qaIA


_Silence_ said:

Also, in general assimp tends to add its own bones during the import, so what you have is a bit strange.

Far more likely it's the exporter adding the leaf bones (Blender has some weird settings by default), not the Assimp importer. I would reimport it into your modeling tool and check…

Skeletal animation - Rotations seem to be inverted

@joej So.. scrolling through my geometry loader I found an innocent looking line of code I had forgotten about. 

finalVertex.z *= -1;

POOF everything is now working fine ?

Will go cry for a bit, I'll be fine.


I’m working on ‘retargeting’ my skeleton so that it can be used with different animations. Well, to be more precise, I’m actually retargeting the animation data.

I’ve downloaded a few of the Mixamo animations to test with and I can render them fine with the skeleton that comes with it (I’m using COL…

Reverse Engineering Skeletal Animation in an Old Game

I applied my lackluster reverse-engineering skills and found out that quaternions in rotation keyframes are stored as four signed 16-bit numbers. They are converted to floating-point quaternions by multiplying each component by 0.000061038882f (== 1.0f / 16383.0f).

Now I have to figure out how this …


Hi, I'm working on blending skeletal animations in my project. And I finally got confused in my own code...

I have 2 arrays of glm::mat4, which represents lhs and rhs animation's bones. So, I need to blend these 2 arrays of bones in the third one.

In the very beginning I wrote next naive approach:


Regarding #2: Just store in positionKeyValues glm::vec4 instead of glm::vec3.

Regarding Release build: always test you performance with Release build (unless you need fast debug builds). Optimizer can pull off lot's off inlining/autovectorization etc. and most important, under visual studio compiler…


I know how to read BoneIndices and BoneWeights from a fbx file. What I can't understand is filling vertex structure with BoneIndices and Bone weights. Can anyone help me?

	for (unsigned int deformerIndex = 0; deformerIndex < (UINT)mesh->GetDeformerCount(); ++deformerIndex)
		FbxSkin* skin =…