
Creating an 8-bit image in Corel Photo-Paint

Started by February 10, 2002 01:38 PM
-1 comments, last by Awwnelson 22 years, 7 months ago
I am having trouble creating an 8-bit image in Corel Photo-Paint. it looks fine in Photo-Paint, but when i try to load it into the game i''m trying to make, the image is shifted over about 100 pixels wraparound-style. does anyone know how to make Photo-Paint not do this? (it may be a problem with my program, but it loads 8-bit images from the windows paint program just fine...but windows paint opens the corel images ok, too.) i''m totally confused. are there different 8-bit bitmap formats? i''m going to post this in the Visual Arts and DirectX forums, because i''m really not sure where the problem is...

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