
Can someone explain how to do this?

Started by February 09, 2002 02:58 AM
10 comments, last by AbsolutDew 22 years, 7 months ago
I cant figure out how to rotate a 2d image like this, and keep the image centered acurately.. an example of which is: DXSDK\samples\Multimedia\Demos\Duel\Duel.bmp thanks Edited by - AbsolutDew on February 9, 2002 4:00:40 AM
try posting this in the graphics programming forum.
i would if it was a graphics programming issue...
im not wondering how to code the rotation, im interested in actually drawing the ship at the so many different angles acurately. is there a program that takes a picture of say the ship pointing up at 0 degrees then rotates it and spits out all the rotated images out on a single bitmap for you?
You could do this in any graphic programm, like Photoshop or PSP, but it''s fully manual work as those programmes don''t have any script language (so it is a big, big job if you have, let''s say, 64 angles of some sprite).
Other, and much more common option in game development is to let this job be done for you by 3DS Max. And this is the only tool I know that is capable to take one picture and rotate it in as many angles you need, and it puts all rotated images on a single bitmap. In Max that''s done by Max script language.

To do that you will only need 3DS Max, and some basic knowledge of it.

quote: Original post by Smile
You could do this in any graphic programm, like Photoshop or PSP, but it''s fully manual work as those programmes don''t have any script language (so it is a big, big job if you have, let''s say, 64 angles of some sprite).

What''s wrong with a Photoshop action?
- Rotate canvas
- Change canvas size (anchor to center)
Then save it and repeat. It wouldn''t take much more than 10 minutes at most, possibly less.

[ MSVC Fixes | STL | SDL | Game AI | Sockets | C++ Faq Lite | Boost ]
The Scrolling Game Development Kit (GameDev) on this site has a 360/10 degrees function which takes an image and outputs a whole load of tiles with that image in various states of rotation. Very time saving.
To Kylotan:
Yes, you can do that in Photoshop, but if you have 10 different objects and you need to rotate each of them in 32 or 64 angles, well that is a full day job.
While with Max script you can do that in just a few seconds.

For that Scrolling Game Development Kit I haven''t heard, so I apologize to AbsolutDew if I have forced him to learn 3DS Max. Sorry again


Thanks all =) Been trying to get an answer to this for a while and i could never seem to make people understand what i was asking. Do you happen to know where i could get the max script? or is it something you could explain to me? i have max and some limited experience on it but that sounded ideal.

I''d really like to keep the images on a single bitmap, so also if Kylotan would be so kind as to explain to me how to do that with photoshop in a little detail i''d much appreciate it.

right now ill go check out that gamdev kit and see if it will work for me, but if possible i''d like to be able to do it on my own just because im stubborn like that.. heh

thanks again
Keeping it on a single bitmap would be difficult in Photoshop. I''m no Photoshop expert, really. I was just thinking of making an action (which is straightforward enough) and using that repeatedly. On reflection, I think you might find that you lose a lot of information when rotating an already rotated image, but I haven''t tried it yet.

[ MSVC Fixes | STL | SDL | Game AI | Sockets | C++ Faq Lite | Boost ]
You check that GameDev Kit and if it suits your needs then OK, otherwise ask us again.

As for Max Script, it is an internal script language of 3DS Max and it is impossible to do complex things without it''s help. It is especially used for game development, and in my case for rendering whole bunch of sprites of one object on one image. It is not really hard to learn it, as it has easy sintax.
For example, in our game every hovercar has over 800 different position sprites (64 rotation frames for direction, 10 axis rotations and several reflection frames for each direction). That is impossible to do in every other way than programming Max script.
So, my job as a graphic artist is just to create an object in 3DS Max, start script and result is one bitmap with more than 800 different sprites of that object.


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