
Looking for opinion on some textures...

Started by February 06, 2002 10:20 AM
3 comments, last by klutch 22 years, 7 months ago
Hello, I was wanting to get some feedback on my textures from anyone more experienced than me. This is the first time I've tried to make any textures (for a project..). They're 64x64 and are going to be used in a tile based engine. Please post anything you can think of that might be wrong with them, or might help make them better. This is Grass_Spring1. This is Grass_Spring2. This is Grass_Spring3. This is an example of how they will look on a map. This is Sand1. This is the grass to sand transitions. This is what the grass-sand transitions look like. This is water1... This is the one I've been having the most trouble with, I just can't seem to make ANY good water texture, so any comments on this would be especially appreciated :p Thank you for your help! Edited by - klutch on February 6, 2002 11:24:15 AM
They look nice

One suggestion though: you should have several slightly different textures of the same kind. For example, in the big picture with grass and sand combined you can see a recurring pattern in the grassy area (the same goes for the sandy areas). Making a few more grass tiles (with just grass, but in a different pattern) should alleviate this problem (and similarly for the other types of terrain).

Edited by - Dactylos on February 6, 2002 11:36:06 AM
Or to reduce the visibility of the pattern you could use the High Pass Filter. There is an article about that on, search for it. It''s worth it since it''s very easy to apply.
For the water, you might try making a 128x128 texture, and split it into 4 64x64 textures, and when you use them, just put them in the same positions as the 128x128 texture.

I don''t know if this would be practical for when it comes to water-grass or water-sand transitions, but it''s all I can think of to help you make the water look better.

I read the High Pass Filter article... I tried using it to remake the sand:

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