
Is there really a need ? ! ?

Started by February 04, 2002 05:33 PM
14 comments, last by Dev_Master 22 years, 7 months ago
Blender is not completelly free anymore, all new features will be available to paying customers of Blender Publisher (the lesson: beware of free non open source software).

I think 3D Studio Max is the best around, if you have the money to buy it and still be able to buy food for a couple of months, go for it, I would if I could.

blender publisher is different that blender creator.
creator is the cool FREE product that people compare to 3DMax.

Publisher lets you make Flash-like web content.
For 3D modeling and animations the free version of Blender works great. You can do just about everything in it and then export and convert to whatever format you need. I''m still looking to try 3DS Max to compare the two.
quote: Original post by TechnoHydra
For 3D modeling and animations the free version of Blender works great. You can do just about everything in it and then export and convert to whatever format you need.


quote: I''m still looking to try 3DS Max to compare the two.

Me too, I love Blender and I''ve heard a few people compare the two as being just about equal in features and such.

Actually, I went to the Discreet site and ordered a demo of 3dMax. It''s only a 15 day version, but I guess it''ll help give me an idea.

Might I suggest Caligari Truespace.

It costs a *lot* less than 3D Studio Max, and I personally think the interface is the easiest, most intuitive one on the market.

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----------------------- I am 0x539. Are you?
Another thing. If you are looking for a job in games/media industries then it is much better to learn commonly used software in those fields if you can afford to. ie 3DSM-games, maya-lightwave etc-TV.

Of course if you''re a good artist and can learn these programs fast then they will consider such applicants. Really though if you don''t want to spend the money or can''t afford student versions of such software I recomend creating stuff in Gmax and that upcoming Maya give away. With Gmax (if the shortcut keys are like max) press W in a viewport to maximise it as the only viewport then CTRL-X to go into expert mode (which is a full screen mode) get rid of any grid etc.. that you may not want and print screen, as Gmax will not render. Despite this you will hopefully be able to convince an employer to hire you on the merits of those screen grabs.

"640K ought to be enough for anybody." -Bill Gates 1981
--------------------------"640K ought to be enough for anybody."-Bill Gates 1981

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