

Started by January 11, 2002 03:44 AM
5 comments, last by Noods 22 years, 8 months ago
Ok, I dont know the exact answer to this question, so Im gonna ask it so it sounds stupid. What is resolution? (screen resolution to be specific) All I know is, the smaller the resolution, the bigger things get. If possible, can someone show me exactly what it is and how its related to programming a Window? Noods
Your screen is X pixels high and Y pixels wide. So, the screen resolution is X * Y pixels. In other words, your screen resolution might be 640*480, 800*600 etc...
It''s just a way of determining the width and height of your screen in pixels, which you certainly need when programming a window.
I hope that helps
But really my screen can be set to many resolutions. What is the difference?

The higher the resolution, the smaller the objects are, and in turn you''ll have more desktop space. If your monitor (and your eyes) can take it, you can have a high resolution, and have a lot of desktop space, its just a matter of what you''re comfortable with =)
I know that. The question is, what is the translation to programming?

think of it more as X dots of information by Y dots of information.

so in 800x600 your screen is being given 800 dots wide by 600 dots high of information.

the higher the resolution the more info your screen is getting. since windows are defined in pixels, you end up shrinking windows and thus making your desktop appear bigger when you increase the resolution. (i.e. if a window is programmed to open at 300x300 pixels, it might appear to fill half the screen at 640x480, but only 1/5 your screen at 1600x1200)

yeah so for programming that means that you need to know the resolution of your screen at the moment so you can scale everything up or down accordingly to fill the screen. (i think, graphics is out of my current knowledge base)


Edited by - Palidine on January 11, 2002 6:00:08 PM
Awesome, thanks guys!


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