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Coordinates intersecting - ballpark answer needed

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22 comments, last by Malonn 5 years, 5 months ago

This is not as good as I first thought.  Ground objects are missing.  statics that make up the ground are missing.  In my code, it's as if everything below a certain point are found to be intersecting with the AABB (rough) and not placed.  Any ideas?


You might share your code, sounds like some folks here might have some familarity with the system(s) you are interacting with.  Without code and context it's hard to idea. ;)

Quite true, quite true.  Here's the function that calculates position of objects to be placed in the interior cell:

ScriptName FnPopulatePlacementArray
Ref rObjectRef
Ref rInteriorDoor
Ref rExteriorDoor
Float fAngleFunc
Float fIntDoorX
Float fIntDoorY
Float fIntDoorZ
Float fIntDoorZRot
Float fExtDoorX
Float fExtDoorY
Float fExtDoorZ
Float fExtDoorZRot
Float fObjX
Float fObjY
Float fObjZ
Float fObjZRot
Float fTempX
Float fTempY
Float fTempZ
Short bDoneFlor
Short bDoneCont
Short bDoneActi
Short bDoneFurn
Short bDoneStat
Short bDoneTree
Short bDoneLite
Begin Function { rInteriorDoor, rExteriorDoor, fAngleFunc }

	Let fIntDoorX := rInteriorDoor.GetPos X
	Let fIntDoorY := rInteriorDoor.GetPos Y
	Let fIntDoorZ := rInteriorDoor.GetPos Z
	Let fIntDoorZRot := rInteriorDoor.GetAngle Z

	Let fExtDoorX := rExteriorDoor.GetPos X
	Let fExtDoorY := rExteriorDoor.GetPos Y
	Let fExtDoorZ := rExteriorDoor.GetPos Z
	Let fExtDoorZRot := rExteriorDoor.GetAngle Z

	if (fIntDoorZRot > 360)
		Let fIntDoorZRot -= 360
	if (fIntDoorZRot < 0)
		Let fIntDoorZRot += 360

	if (fExtDoorZRot > 360)
		Let fExtDoorZRot -= 360
	if (fExtDoorZRot < 0)
		Let fExtDoorZRot += 360

	Label 1

	if (rObjectRef != 0)	

		;start deploy
		Let fObjX := rObjectRef.GetPos X ; objectx
		Let fObjY := rObjectRef.GetPos Y
		Let fObjZ := rObjectRef.GetPos Z

		Let fTempX := (fObjX - fExtDoorX) ; tempdistancex
		Let fTempY := (fObjY - fExtDoorY)
		Let fTempZ := (fObjZ - fExtDoorZ)

		;			Let tempdistancehyp := (tempdistancex * tempdistancex + tempdistancey * tempdistancey)
		;			Let tempdistancehyp := sqrt tempdistancehyp

		; Store base object:
		ar_Append DynLODq.avToPlace ( rObjectRef.GetBaseObject )
		; Store object's X position:
		ar_Append DynLODq.avToPlace ( fIntDoorX + fTempX * Cos fAngleFunc + fTempY * Sin fAngleFunc ) ; newobjectx 
		; Store object's Y position:
		ar_Append DynLODq.avToPlace ( fIntDoorY - fTempX * Sin fAngleFunc + fTempY * Cos fAngleFunc )
		; Store object's Z position:
		ar_Append DynLODq.avToPlace ( fIntDoorZ + fTempZ )
		; Store objects X rotation:
		ar_Append DynLODq.avToPlace ( rObjectRef.GetAngle X ) ; objectxrot
		; Store object's Y rotation:
		ar_Append DynLODq.avToPlace ( rObjectRef.GetAngle Y )
		; Store object's Z rotation:
		Let fObjZRot := rObjectRef.GetAngle Z
		Let fObjZRot := (fAngleFunc + fObjZRot) % 360
		if (fObjZRot > 360)
			Let fObjZRot -= 360
		if (fObjZRot < 0)
			Let fObjZRot += 360
		ar_Append DynLODq.avToPlace ( fObjZRot )
		; Store object's scale:
		ar_Append DynLODq.avToPlace ( rObjectRef.GetScale )
		Let fTempX := (fObjX - fExtDoorX) + fIntDoorX
		Let fTempY := (fObjY - fExtDoorY) + fIntDoorY
		Let fTempZ := (fObjZ - fExtDoorZ) + fIntDoorZ
		Let rObjectRef := Apple
		Let rObjectRef := GetNextRef
		Goto 1
		Let rObjectRef := Apple
		if (bDoneStat == 0)
			Let rObjectRef := GetFirstRef 28 2
;			Let objecttypecode := 28
			Let bDoneStat := 1
			Goto 1
		if (bDoneTree == 0)
			Let rObjectRef := GetFirstRef 30 1
;			Let objecttypecode := 30
			Let bDoneTree := 1
			Goto 1
		if (bDoneLite == 0)
			Let rObjectRef := GetFirstRef 26 
;			Let objecttypecode := 26
			Let bDoneLite := 1
			Goto 1
		if (bDoneFlor == 0)
			Let rObjectRef := GetFirstRef 31 
;			Let objecttypecode := 31
			Let bDoneFlor := 1
			Goto 1
		if (bDoneCont == 0)
			Let rObjectRef := GetFirstRef 23 
;			Let objecttypecode := 23
			Let bDoneCont := 1
			Goto 1
		if (bDoneActi == 0)
			Let rObjectRef := GetFirstRef 18 
;			Let objecttypecode := 18
			Let bDoneActi := 1
			Goto 1
		if (bDoneFurn == 0)
			Let rObjectRef := GetFirstRef 32 
;			Let objecttypecode := 32
			Let bDoneFurn := 1
			Goto 1



Here's the function that takes the calculations for XYZ and actually places the objects:

ScriptName FnPlaceInteriorObjects
Array_var avIter
Short iIterKey
Ref rBigMesh
Ref rInsideDoor
Ref rIterTemp
Ref rToPlace
Float fMeshX
Float fMeshY
Float fMeshZ
Float fMSize
Float fPSize
Float fXPos
Float fYPos
Float fZPos
Float fXRot
Float fYRot
Float fZRot
Float fScal
Begin _Function { rBigMesh, rInsideDoor }

	Let fMeshX := rBigMesh.GetPos "X"
	Let fMeshY := rBigMesh.GetPos "Y"
	Let fMeshZ := rBigMesh.GetPos "Z"
	Let fMSize := rBigMesh.GetEditorSize
	Let avIter := ar_Construct "StringMap"
	ForEach avIter <- DynLODq.avToPlace
		Let iIterKey := avIter["key"]
		If ( iIterKey ) == 0 || ( iIterKey % 8 ) == 0
			Let rIterTemp := *avIter
			Let fPSize := GetEditorSize rIterTemp
		If ( iIterKey ) == 1 || ( iIterKey % 8 ) == 1 ; X position
			Let fXPos := *avIter
		Elseif ( iIterKey ) == 2 || ( iIterKey % 8 ) == 2 ; Y position
			Let fYPos := *avIter
		Elseif ( iIterKey ) == 3 || ( iIterKey % 8 ) == 3 ; Z position
			Let fZPos := *avIter
		Elseif ( iIterKey ) == 4 || ( iIterKey % 8 ) == 4 ; X rotation
			Let fXRot := *avIter
		Elseif ( iIterKey ) == 5 || ( iIterKey % 8 ) == 5 ; Y rotation
			Let fYRot := *avIter
		Elseif ( iIterKey ) == 6 || ( iIterKey % 8 ) == 6 ; Z rotation
			Let fZRot := *avIter
		Elseif ( iIterKey ) == 7 || ( iIterKey % 8 ) == 7 ; Scale
			Let fScal := *avIter
		; "fMeshX/Y/Z" should be the center point of interior mesh along corresponding axes,
		; the above should be <= X/Y/Z length divided by 2
		If Abs(fXPos - fMeshX) <= 915 / 2 && Abs(fYPos - fMeshY) <= fMSize / 2 && Abs(fZPos - fMeshZ) <= fMSize / 2 
		Let rToPlace := rInsideDoor.PlaceAtMe rIterTemp 1, 0, 0
		rToPlace.SetPos "X" fXPos
		rToPlace.SetPos "Y" fYPos
		rToPlace.SetPos "Z" fZPos
		rToPlace.SetAngle "X" fXRot
		rToPlace.SetAngle "Y" fYRot
		rToPlace.SetAngle "Z" fZRot
		rToPlace.SetScale fScal


Any help would be appreciated.

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