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Best way to produce a builder type game?

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4 comments, last by Eimantas Gabrielius 6 years, 1 month ago

I'd like to make a "builder" type game with a persistent game area, developing objects and varying game states. For example, a simple garden simulator, with global variables like weather, object variables like plant type, health and age, and a tiled or zoned play area with individual values like soil type, sun exposure, water content, drainage, pH, etc. The game engine would simulate the passage of time with slightly randomized series of weather changes and periodically create new objects on the board like plants or animals, based on conditions and player input. A further extension of the gameplay could include placing unlocked objects like rare plants, paths, benches etx.

I understand a novice can't hope to create a AAA title, but if I can acquire an easy to use logic engine that can handle varying object and game states, I can use my sound and art resources to create an enjoyable, if simple game. Conceptually, this idea could either be an ambient puzzle/relaxation game as a phone app version with just a few zones, or a full fledged simulator with a scrollable map as a PC game.

Specifically I am looking for a recommendation on the best avenue of approach to this project, either a particular game-building suite or a core group of programming skills for this project. I have looked at Unity, Game Maker Studio, Buildbox and Sploder, but they seem to fall heavily on action games. Am I right in guessing that simulator or puzzle engines are for the most part proprietary?


Your idea is actually very simple and good for a starter project, as long as you don't try to match that illusive AAA quality. :)

1 hour ago, JonjoDan said:

developing objects and varying game states. For example, a simple garden simulator, with global variables like weather, object variables like plant type, health and age, and a tiled or zoned play area with individual values like soil type, sun exposure, water content, drainage, pH, etc.

You are describing programming here, not a engine. I recommend you learn how to program. The above system you are describing is actually very easy. Just a few classes and variables.


1 hour ago, JonjoDan said:

I have looked at Unity, Game Maker Studio, Buildbox and Sploder, but they seem to fall heavily on action games.

It's more like Developers just like to make action games. Any of the engines you mentioned would work. Unity and Game Maker are both ideal for this.

58 minutes ago, Scouting Ninja said:

I recommend you learn how to programThe above system you are describing is actually very easy.

That's good to hear. I think I can manage the game logic code without too much difficulty, but the video aspect, hardware interactions and integrating it all seem mystifying still. I was hoping a building suite would help with that. Unity has a free mode, I'll research that more. Thanks for your input!

1 hour ago, JonjoDan said:

I was hoping a building suite would help with that. Unity has a free mode, I'll research that more.

Sorry if I wasn't clear, I meant you would need programming with your engine. That is to say that to do this you need a engine like Unity or GameMaker that can use code. Avoid engines like Construct that doesn't support proper coding.

Unity uses C# and it is free to use, that is you get the whole engine for free as long as you stick to the agreement. GameMaker has a free trail.


There is also engines like Unreal and Godot that has visual scripting AND normal scripting, however this is still normal programming; as in you still need to learn how to program.




This is Unreal blueprints.


VS Unity code:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class TheUnityVersion : MonoBehaviour {

	int AddTwoNumbers(int NumberA, int NumberB){
		return NumberA + NumberB;

	void PrintEveryChar(string InString){
		foreach (char Character in InString) {
			print (Character);

	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () {
		string TempString = AddTwoNumbers (100, 20).ToString();
		print (TempString);

		PrintEveryChar (TempString);



If you look at the example you can see why so many people like code over blueprints, it's smaller and easier to understand. However lots of new programmers actually think blueprints and visual scripting is the better looking one.

Unreal is free with terms and Gadot is open source (kept alive with donations). Unreal is a bit overkill for your small game as it is a AAA engine and difficult to use. Gadot is smaller and more user friendly.


The short is: You need a engine that supports programming in some form.

Its even really and easy achievable using web stack (HTML/JS/CSS), take a look at phaser.js.
Of course you gonna need some backend, but still you can use JS (node for example) or even PHP.

User interface is like a joke. If you have to explain it, it’s not that good.

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