
What subjects should I learn for Structural and Mesh modifying?

Started by April 21, 2017 07:23 PM
11 comments, last by John Getz 7 years, 2 months ago

On 4/21/2017 at 0:23 PM, Tset_Tsyung said:

Hey all,


It's been ages (years) since I've been on these forums.  Last time was a noob.  Now it's as... a slightly less noobish noob.


Basically, whilst I'm working on my little 'game/demo a week' challenges to increase my skill I would also like to expand my fundamental knowledge on a certain subject - namely destructible terrain/objects.


Now this, as far as I can work out, includes physics (architectural and structural to some extent) and an understanding of modifying meshes on the fly.  Admittedly, that last one is perhaps a LOT more in depth than is necessary, but this is going to be a long term subject I wish to learn.


Therefore, my question is (finely got there - sorry 'bout that) what sorts of subject (the more specific the better) should I learn to get a decent handle on this? And, yes, I know this is going to recquire learning new mathematics - I'm happy to try ;)


P.S. Further information:  I have already messed around with the basics of solid-wall-turning-into-bricks when "destroyed", however I would like to understand how to make objects shatter and explode (battlefield style) or slice (metal gear solid whatever style).

best bet on the basic level is to understand some vector math - notably, vectors.  something related to this entire chapter on vector math will be very helpful in understanding the related math

So vectors, direction angles of a vector, adding or subtracting vectors, and direction of vectors.  Knowing the math behind that, and then matrix operations will help you understand the background math.

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