
dot product problem in calculating reflective vector

Started by October 14, 2016 04:13 AM
0 comments, last by alvaro 7 years, 11 months ago


The vector I and n are given, n is the unit vector, the output is vector r.

my question is the orientation of dot(n,l)*n.

Since dot(n,l) is the signed length(negative in this case)

why "the vector below n" still need to multiply by "n" , and why the vector dot(n,l)*n and "n" have opposite orientations.(assume that "dot(n,l)" is a scalar,after it multiply by "n", it should have the same direction as "n" )


In my opinion ,it should be


why "the vector below n" still need to multiply by "n" , and why the vector dot(n,l)*n and "n" have opposite orientations.(assume that "dot(n,l)" is a scalar,after it multiply by "n", it should have the same direction as "n" )

You need to multiply by n to have a vector. Remember that the dot product is just a number (negative in this case, as you pointed out).

dot(n,l)*n and n point in opposite directions because dot(n,l) is negative. Negative scalars do that.

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