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Cry Engine Startup Crash

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3 comments, last by Jan2go 8Β years, 3Β months ago
Starting the launcher, i create a new project. When i try to enter the editor, a loading screen appears. It keeps crashing on CryRenderD3D11...

How should I fix that?
Do you have a modern Nvidia/AMD graphics card? Have you updated the drivers in the last 6 months?

πŸ™‚πŸ™‚πŸ™‚πŸ™‚πŸ™‚<←The tone posse, ready for action.

No, i have an ATI Radeon 4800 HD Series Graphic Card. I run the Catalyst Updater in these days.

The Editor.log is:

BackupNameAttachment=" Build(184) 19 Mar 16 (17 04 53)"  -- used by backup system
Log Started at Sat Mar 19 17:04:53 2016
Built on Mar 15 2016 14:54:28
Running 64 bit Windows version
Executable: M:\Videogiochi\CryTek Engine\CRYENGINE Launcher\Crytek\CRYENGINE_5.0\bin\win_x64\Sandbox.exe
Added MOD directory <%engineroot%> to CryPak
Added MOD directory <%engineroot%/engine> to CryPak
Total number of logical processors: 4
Number of available logical processors: 4
Total number of system cores: 2
Number of cores available to process: 2
Processor 0:
  CPU: Intel Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-4150 CPU @ 3.50GHz
  Family: 6, Model: 12, Stepping: 3
  FPU: On-Chip
  3DNow!: not present
  MMX: not present
  SSE: present
  SSE2: present
  SSE3: present
  Serial number not present or disabled
Processor 1:
  CPU: Intel Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-4150 CPU @ 3.50GHz
  Family: 6, Model: 12, Stepping: 3
  FPU: On-Chip
  3DNow!: not present
  MMX: not present
  SSE: present
  SSE2: present
  SSE3: present
  Serial number not present or disabled
[Error] [CVARS]: [DUPLICATE] CXConsole::AddCommand(): console command [hmd_recenter_pose] is already registered
Loading Config file system.cfg (m:\videogiochi\crytek engine\cryengine launcher\crytek\cryengine_5.0\system.cfg)
<17:04:53> OnSysSpecChange(4)
<17:04:53> [Warning] Config file VeryHighSpec.cfg not found!
<17:04:53> Loading Config file %ENGINEROOT%/editor.cfg (m:\videogiochi\crytek engine\cryengine launcher\crytek\cryengine_5.0\editor.cfg)
<17:04:53> [Warning] Config file game.cfg not found!
<17:04:53> Loading Config file project.cfg (project.cfg)
<17:04:53> GameDir: Assets
<17:04:53> Loading Config file game.cfg (assets\game.cfg)
<17:04:53> creating CVarGroups from directory 'assets/Config/CVarGroups' ...
<17:04:53> Loading Config file assets/Config/CVarGroups/sys_spec_full.cfg (assets\config\cvargroups\sys_spec_full.cfg)
<17:04:53> Loading Config file assets/Config/CVarGroups/sys_spec_gameeffects.cfg (assets\config\cvargroups\sys_spec_gameeffects.cfg)
<17:04:53> Loading Config file assets/Config/CVarGroups/sys_spec_light.cfg (assets\config\cvargroups\sys_spec_light.cfg)
<17:04:53> Loading Config file assets/Config/CVarGroups/sys_spec_objectdetail.cfg (assets\config\cvargroups\sys_spec_objectdetail.cfg)
<17:04:53> Loading Config file assets/Config/CVarGroups/sys_spec_particles.cfg (assets\config\cvargroups\sys_spec_particles.cfg)
<17:04:53> Loading Config file assets/Config/CVarGroups/sys_spec_physics.cfg (assets\config\cvargroups\sys_spec_physics.cfg)
<17:04:53> Loading Config file assets/Config/CVarGroups/sys_spec_postprocessing.cfg (assets\config\cvargroups\sys_spec_postprocessing.cfg)
<17:04:53> Loading Config file assets/Config/CVarGroups/sys_spec_quality.cfg (assets\config\cvargroups\sys_spec_quality.cfg)
<17:04:53> Loading Config file assets/Config/CVarGroups/sys_spec_shading.cfg (assets\config\cvargroups\sys_spec_shading.cfg)
<17:04:53> Loading Config file assets/Config/CVarGroups/sys_spec_shadows.cfg (assets\config\cvargroups\sys_spec_shadows.cfg)
<17:04:53> Loading Config file assets/Config/CVarGroups/sys_spec_sound.cfg (assets\config\cvargroups\sys_spec_sound.cfg)
<17:04:53> Loading Config file assets/Config/CVarGroups/sys_spec_texture.cfg (assets\config\cvargroups\sys_spec_texture.cfg)
<17:04:53> Loading Config file assets/Config/CVarGroups/sys_spec_textureresolution.cfg (assets\config\cvargroups\sys_spec_textureresolution.cfg)
<17:04:53> Loading Config file assets/Config/CVarGroups/sys_spec_volumetriceffects.cfg (assets\config\cvargroups\sys_spec_volumetriceffects.cfg)
<17:04:53> Loading Config file assets/Config/CVarGroups/sys_spec_water.cfg (assets\config\cvargroups\sys_spec_water.cfg)
<17:04:53> creating CVarGroups from directory 'Engine/Config/CVarGroups' ...
<17:04:53> [Warning] <ThreadConfigInfo>: Active platform identifier string "pc" not found in config "config/engine_core.thread_config".
<17:04:53> [Warning] <ThreadConfigInfo>: Active platform identifier string "pc" not found in config "config/engine_sandbox.thread_config".
<17:04:53> Windows 10 64 bit (build 10.0.10586)
<17:04:53> User name: "Luca"
<17:04:53> System language: Italian
<17:04:53> Windows Directory: "C:\WINDOWS"
<17:04:53> Local time is 17:04:53 03/19/16, system running for 37 minutes
<17:04:53> 16323MB physical memory installed, 12072MB available, 134217727MB virtual memory installed, 26 percent of memory in use
<17:04:53> PageFile usage: 43MB, Working Set: 52MB, Peak PageFile usage: 43MB,
<17:04:53> Current display mode is 1600x1200x32, (Unknown graphics card)
<17:04:53> IBM enhanced (101/102-key) keyboard and 8+ button mouse installed
<17:04:53> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<17:04:53> [Warning] Config file %USER%/game.cfg not found!
<17:04:53> Loading Config file system.cfg (m:\videogiochi\crytek engine\cryengine launcher\crytek\cryengine_5.0\system.cfg)
<17:04:53> OnSysSpecChange(4)
<17:04:53> Loading Config file VeryHighSpec.cfg (assets\config\veryhighspec.cfg)
<17:04:53> Loading Config file %ENGINEROOT%/editor.cfg (m:\videogiochi\crytek engine\cryengine launcher\crytek\cryengine_5.0\editor.cfg)
<17:04:53> Loading Config file game.cfg (assets\game.cfg)
<17:04:53> Loading Config file project.cfg (project.cfg)
<17:04:53> [Warning] Config file user.cfg not found!
<17:04:53> Stream Engine Initialization
<17:04:53> GameName: CRYENGINE SDK Example
<17:04:53> BuildTime: Mar 15 2016 14:54:28
<17:04:53> [Warning] Editor only supports DX11. Switching to DX11 Renderer.
<17:04:53> Physics initialization
<17:04:54> Initializing CryPhysics...
<17:04:54> Initializing CryPhysics done, MemUsage=972Kb
<17:04:54> [Warning] Cannot open Pak file assets\localization\english_xml.pak
<17:04:54> Localized language content(english) not available or modified from the original installation.
<17:04:54> [Warning] Cannot open Pak file assets\localization\english.pak
<17:04:54> Localized language content(english) not available or modified from the original installation.
<17:04:54> [Warning] Cannot open Pak file assets\localization\english.pak
<17:04:54> Localized language content(english) not available or modified from the original installation.
<17:04:54> [Error] <Localization> No localization files found!
<17:04:54> <Audio>: AudioSystem initialization
<17:04:54> Initializing CryAudioSystem...
<17:04:54> Initializing CryAudioImplSDLMixer...
<17:04:54> <Audio> <0.231>: CryAudioImplSDLMixer loaded
<17:04:54> Initializing CryAudioImplSDLMixer done, MemUsage=5476Kb
<17:04:54> Initializing CryAudioSystem done, MemUsage=6128Kb
<17:04:54> Renderer initialization
<17:04:54> Initializing CryRenderD3D11...
<17:04:54> CRenderer sizeof(Vec2f16)=4 sizeof(Vec3f16)=8
<17:04:54> Initializing CryRenderD3D11 done, MemUsage=3804Kb
<17:04:54> Initializing Direct3D and creating game window:
<17:04:54> Direct3D driver is creating...
<17:04:54> Crytek Direct3D driver version 2.00 (Mar 15 2016 <14:54:30>)
<17:04:54> Creating window called 'CRYENGINE SDK Example' (1280x720)
<17:04:54> [HMD] HMD Renderer not initialized - stereoOuput [0] hmdDevice [ null]
<17:04:54> Flushing pended shaders...
<17:04:54> Finished flushing pended shaders...
<17:04:54> System Shutdown
Closing PAK file: assets\textures.pak
Closing PAK file: m:\videogiochi\crytek engine\cryengine launcher\crytek\cryengine_5.0\engine\engine.pak
Closing PAK file: m:\videogiochi\crytek engine\cryengine launcher\crytek\cryengine_5.0\engine\shadercache.pak
Closing PAK file: m:\videogiochi\crytek engine\cryengine launcher\crytek\cryengine_5.0\engine\shadercachestartup.pak
Closing PAK file: m:\videogiochi\crytek engine\cryengine launcher\crytek\cryengine_5.0\engine\shaders.pak
Closing PAK file: m:\videogiochi\crytek engine\cryengine launcher\crytek\cryengine_5.0\engine\shadersbin.pak
>Loading Config file VeryHighSpec.cfg

I would try something a little less demanding.

ED: also this could be problematic...
Current display mode is 1600x1200x32, (Unknown graphics card)

πŸ™‚πŸ™‚πŸ™‚πŸ™‚πŸ™‚<←The tone posse, ready for action.

Does your card support DX11? The 4800 series is quite old already, so it might be that it only supports DX10(.1) which could explain the problem.

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