
Physics problem

Started by February 09, 2016 06:23 PM
1 comment, last by HappyCoder 8 years, 7 months ago

If you toss a tennis ball up in the air, neglecting air resistance, but it didn''t go straight up. It went off to the side, so when it came down, it''s path was an upside down U. Two questions: ___ / \ / \ / \0<- ball goes up, then down A. Is the ball''s path vertically symetric at the highest point? B. Suppose the ball had air''s path would be similar(as in geometry), but not congruent. Thanks

Yeah it's symmetric. It's actually traveling in a ellipse around the Earth's center, but since it's so far away from center you can also think of it a parabola.

With air resistance it wont be symmetrical. Once you include air resistance into the equations it really complicates things especially if you want to take into account the projectiles shape and if it is spinning.
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