
WVP and vertex position relationship

Started by February 04, 2016 04:11 AM
9 comments, last by DividedByZero 8 years, 7 months ago

In my opinion, you're trying to combine and apply too many concepts at once. Have you understood how to work with matrices and vectors?

You should try and ignore the projection and view matrix and just focus on world transformation matrices first. Just treat projection*view as a black box that transforms stuff in such a way that you can see it on screen and try to figure out what rotation, scale and translation matrices do with individual vectors and subsequently with simple objects (e.g. a box). Projection is an advanced concept that's hard to grasp if you don't know the basic stuff.

If there's still interest I can write up another part on 3d transformations and why you work in 4 dimensions. Maybe I should write a series of articles...

Thanks again.

I think I am up to speed with the matrix and vector calculation side of things for translation, scale, rotation, etc.. as my calculations agree with

It seems to be either the view or projection methods I am using. Reading recently it said something about having to calculate the inverse of the view etc.. Lost me after that point. Any information I find on the internet either seems to be sparse, incomplete, or in consistent.

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