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bizzare embedded python error

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0 comments, last by Syrillix 20 years, 4 months ago
i just started getting into the whole embedded languages thing and python looks so promising. however i was messing around looking at code snippets and generally playing around with the boost.python / python API when i got this strange debug runtime assertion error from Py_Finalize(), this is the assert that failed that happened in Py_Finalize()

* If this ASSERT fails, a bad pointer has been passed in. It may be
* totally bogus, or it may have been allocated from another heap.
* The pointer MUST come from the 'local' heap.*/

This is source code i used, note: everything compiled and linked fine.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
#include <boost\python.hpp>

struct World{
	void Set(std::string m){ msg = m;}
	std::string Greet(){return msg;}
	std::string msg;

		.def("Set", &World::Set)

int main(){

	if(PyRun_SimpleString( "import hello\n"
			       "planet = hello.World()\n"
			       "planet.Set('Kick Ass!')\n"
			       "print planet.Greet()") == -1){

		printf("Error Running script");


	return 0;
the error only occurs in the debug build. im using Python2.2 and boost 1.30.2 . I would like to know why this assert failure is happening. i cant see any reason why it would happen except for maybe the custom module being loaded. Get busy livin' or get busy dyin'... - Shawshank Redemption If a man is talking in the forest, and no woman is around to hear him, is he still wrong? - Unknown Fulcrum [edited by - syrillix on February 14, 2004 12:44:41 AM]
Get busy livin' or get busy dyin'... - Shawshank RedemptionIf a man is talking in the forest, and no woman is around to hear him, is he still wrong? - UnknownFulcrum
I'm guessing you have some sort of memory allocation error in the module you're wrapping with Boost:: Python. Possibly a double-free.

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[edited by - Kylotan on February 15, 2004 7:40:34 PM]

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