
Max 3.0 Vertex Position Entry?

Started by June 23, 2002 03:13 PM
4 comments, last by NightShade 22 years, 2 months ago
Hi, I have Max 3.0. I''m making an object to be used in a game. The object "repeats", meaning the game will tile these objects lengthwise. (Imagine a segment of elevated highway). To avoid having z-fighting or "gaps", I need the vertices on either edge of the object to be precisely at a certain location. For example, instead of z=24.994, I need it to be 25.0000. Eyeballing it just doesn''t cut it, and the structure of the object just doesn''t allow me to "be careful" on creation of a base object. I need to adjust the vertices post-creation. Is there a way I can do this with max alone? If not, is there a free plugin or max script (for 3.0) that will bring up a X=_______ Y=______ Z=_______ entry dialog for a selected vertex? This seems like a simple and ubiquitous task and I''m really surprised it''s not right there in the "edit mesh" modifier! Thanks in advance!! -ns-
select the vertex, rightclick onto the "move" button in the toolbar and you have the window you want.

btw, you can enable snap, on the bottom toolbar there are the buttons for this. that way you can move only in integers or decimals, depending on the zoom you are

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quote: Original post by davepermen
select the vertex, rightclick onto the "move" button in the toolbar and you have the window you want.

Hmm, yeah but it doesn''t give me a text entry window anywhere, it just allows me to drag stuff around in the 3d window, which gives imprecice results

quote: Original post by davepermen
btw, you can enable snap, on the bottom toolbar there are the buttons for this. that way you can move only in integers or decimals, depending on the zoom you are

I tried that. I set the grid settings to lines every 1 unit (foot in this case). Then I enabled "3D Snap Toggle" at the bottom. While it appeared to work (it "snaps" into place), when I zoom in, you could see the results were still not right on the line. Why it does this is beyond me.

I do really appreciate your reply, do you have any other ideas?
Hmm, if this works, here are a few pictures of what I get by trying to "snap" the vertices to the grid...

Ok, this is right after the vertex has been "snapped". It looks okay now, but...

This is right before I do a "region zoom" at the grid intersection.

After zooming, you can see the snap didn't actually snap to anywhere useful. This will result in an ugly seam when I tile this object in the game.

[edited by - NightShade on June 23, 2002 5:03:24 PM]
"it just allows me to drag stuff around in the 3d window, which gives imprecice results"

he said you have to RIGHTclick (!) on the button, then a window will appear where you can enter the exact coordinates of the vertexo (on the left side of the window "absolute:world"
Doh. I totally misread that. I thought he meant right click on the vertex, and select the "move" option.

Thanks! Absolute world is greyed out, but I bet I can figure that part out.

(edit. yeah figured it out) Thanks again to both of you

[edited by - NightShade on June 23, 2002 5:13:04 PM]

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