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Hahlo Peoples..

Published July 25, 2007
Hey, I have a little bit to show and discuss, but don't go light your socks on fire or anything*

*Yes, maybe I am a little crazy, all right?
Angels 22/Dogfight

Sir Sapo and I are itching to finish FoT and get started on what we refer to as "Dogfight," the Angels 22 revamped with multiplayer... it's hard sometimes to not start drawing airplanes or writing huge text docs on how rock'n'awesome it's gonna be(oh, it's gonna be pretty much the coolest fucking thing you ever saw, heard or... felt?)

Thomas(RL for 'Sir Sapo') and I have again been devoting a lot of our spare time reading about modern air combat and aerospace science... although we devote a lot of time to that anyway. We are steadily becoming military aircraft elitists, laughing at those who try to emulate our encyclopedic knowledge... I mean, we have conversations about Phased-Array Radars, for chrissakes!

It's hard to describe how much we want to pour ourselves into working on Dogfight ASAP- I could write an entire journal entry on gameplay theory for it-

BUT... FoT comes first so we can have a friggin' game to show people that doesn't look as bad as the original Angels 20.

FoT Enemies

Traditionally(twice), whenever working on a game project, I open up a notepad file and write down things when I start thinking about them.

Enemies thought of so far are as follows, in somewhat ascending order:

Rats(not pictured)- Little guys that bite your ankles, a critical organ for a COMMANDO-MAN
Scientists- usually unarmed, some may throw beakers of acid your way, some my be packing a little extra, just in case...
Soldiers- Have pistols or shotguns, some body armor.
Remotes-Robots that roam some of the lab, armed with a grenade launcher
AnRoid- Big 'rehabilitated' soldiers fitted with powered prosthetics and and powerful chaingun.
Red Guards- Hardcore soldiers, armed with assault rifles and shotguns. They have body armor and aren't friendly towards bourgeoisie counterrevolutionaries.

Rage Scientists, Security, Soldiers- Versions(Color-key FTW) of the listed enemies, but affected by (oh teh noes) a toxic substance in the lab that throws them into a rage-like state, like the famous movie film 28 Days Later. They would have higher health, but be able only to get a shot or two off before just rushing you for a melee attack. And they would go "BBLALARRGGHH!!" really loud.

Rage Red Guards- Would be different in that they are hardcore enough that the toxin accelerates their military prowess, granting them more health, speed, and ...um, vigor.

I'm not sure we're even gonna bother putting a boss in, but we really should try to, just because we need to provide some sort of endgame for the player.


So, I'm going to College-place, or as they call it 'round here, enemessue. I still need to apply to the CMI*

*if you can spot me in the one of the pictures in the slideshow, I'll give you a cookie. Trick is, what do I look like?

CMI is going to be interesting, they currently only have computer animation and filmmaking programs, they are going to add a game design program next year, which I want to get in on. They may even let me help teach some little buggers how to make games, which would be really neat. I don't program, but game design
and art design I could do... according to Carnegie-Mellon I am pretty damn good at game design, and I do devote a lot of time thinking about it. -I'll treat you guys to a big long idea train when we get to Dogfight.

In addition to game stuff, I'm also thinking about a degree in history, and heading towards a career in teaching, hopefully at the college level. ("Profezzor Eugn" would be my name!) I like history about as much as game design, and when I get the chance, it's pretty hard for me not to drop the proverbial train on someone's face when they say something incorrect about World War 2.

The classes I've signed up for aren't related to any of my ambitions very closely(not that I didn't try, stupid prerequisites), I'm starting out with Astronomy and an Astronomy lab, Intro to Psychology, and English 211.
I hope to add to that when I figure out what the hell is up with them not letting me take that honors history class.
Intro to Psychology is supposedly the hardest class ever, according to my aunt, who is in fact a Psychologist. Astronomy I already know a decent amount about from my own personal interest, and my Grandfather is an Astronomer(my family is... interesting). English is going to be tricky, I haven't taken an English class in a while, and it doesn't really capture my interest, although I'm not bad at it at all.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to the girls the most, duh.

I part with another random picture, my airsoft arsenal. Goodnight!
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Texas Brigade
Quote: Original post by Prinz Eugn
*if you can spot me in the one of the pictures in the slideshow, I'll give you a cookie. Trick is, what do I look like?

Back row, fifth from the right. You posted that senior picture of yours a while back. You look pretty distinctive so I remembered. I like oatmeal cookies, but not tracking cookies.

Can't wait for Dogfight. I thought Angels 20 was pretty awesome.
July 25, 2007 09:44 AM
I'm interested in this online dogfighting you speak of, sounds like alot of fun.
July 25, 2007 01:39 PM
Prinz Eugn
Quote: Original post by Texas Brigade
Back row, fifth from the right. You posted that senior picture of yours a while back. You look pretty distinctive so I remembered. I like oatmeal cookies, but not tracking cookies.

I was wondering if anybody remembered that handsome face... I gave you a rating cookie instead, enjoi!

July 25, 2007 01:45 PM
nice graphics, You know what would be really awesome is if angels 22 was combined with your new top down. Maybe you could land inside their base and assault them to steal data or something like that(other wise you could just drop bombs and blow the heck out of the place instead of going in on foot.) Anyways its coming along really nice can't wait to see more progress.
July 25, 2007 02:21 PM
I wish I knew anything about art at all, so I could tell you how good of a job you're doing. Unfortunately I suck at art, so all I'll say is that I wish you did the art for my games.

I'll be interested to see how FoT and Dogfight turn out. I have this sneaking suspicion that you guys might find it a little harder than it initially appears to make a good sidescrolling multiplayer game with jets, but I guess I've never tried, and I don't know exactly what you've got in mind.

The problem that comes most immediately to mind is the lack of a "map structure", at least if you do anything remotely resembling what we saw in A20. I'm envisioning Soldat right now, and the thing that really makes it work is the "floating" map. If you're going for a dogfight-in-the-skies theme, you've got... air. And that's not particularly interesting. If this map is the same as that map, except with slightly different dimensions and background sprites, then what makes it fun to play in this map as opposed to that map? What factors effect the techniques you can use in this map?

I think I rambled a bit there, and it's certainly your game to do what you want with, but every time I've made a game with a bland setting (mostly outer space), it hasn't turned out well.
July 25, 2007 05:58 PM
Prinz Eugn
Quote: Original post by Dragon88
I'll be interested to see how FoT and Dogfight turn out. I have this sneaking suspicion that you guys might find it a little harder than it initially appears to make a good sidescrolling multiplayer game with jets, but I guess I've never tried, and I don't know exactly what you've got in mind.

We've made a couple small ones before, and we've actually made several LAN demos. The one airplane LAN game was really fun.

The problem that comes most immediately to mind is the lack of a "map structure", at least if you do anything remotely resembling what we saw in A20. I'm envisioning Soldat right now, and the thing that really makes it work is the "floating" map. If you're going for a dogfight-in-the-skies theme, you've got... air. And that's not particularly interesting. If this map is the same as that map, except with slightly different dimensions and background sprites, then what makes it fun to play in this map as opposed to that map? What factors effect the techniques you can use in this map?

Oh, we're conscious of a plain map being boring, I'll probably describe it in greater detail in a journal entry later, but basically maneuver is going to be very very important, these jets aren't going to be doing only loops. The map itself with also have some things to make more gameplay variety, like valleys where you don't show up on radar or ungodly concentrations of Flak that are practically impassable unless you are going full afterburner. The placement of airfield will also be important, like if it's closer to the enemy base, but doesn't have an ounce of defense, or out in the boondocks but almost untouchable by the enemy. There's also going to be more interesting map elements borrowed from the campaign plans...
July 25, 2007 08:01 PM
On a completely different note, how well do you find that your Styer Aug works? I was looking at getting one a while ago, but I wasn't sure if it would be worth going for. (The one I was looking at was a BE Aug with a metal gearbox. Yours looks pretty similar).
July 31, 2007 01:13 PM
Prinz Eugn
Moe, I wouldn't even bother getting the metal gearbox version, just get one of the myriad ones off of amazon(all around $30 US) and use what you saved to get a high-cap mag and another battery(it gets depleted pretty quick if you are playing for a while). The SL9 I have is a BE with a metal gearbox, and it's nothing but trouble. The cheap AUG is nearly as good and costs a quarter of what the SL9 was.
August 08, 2007 10:39 PM
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